3 Awesome Presentations About Agile Product Management

Effective Web Product Management needs to be agile! That can actually be quite hard in practice, but don´t worry the following three presentations will be a useful resource for agile product development teams: Continue reading

How SEO Will Affect Your Product Planning Right From The Beginning

There are some very important interferences of SEO (search engine optimization) with the web product management that you need to know before developing your new product. No matter if you think about hiring (external) SEO consultants once the website is online, there are some aspects of SEO that you will have to keep in mind right from the start of creating an online product strategy. Continue reading

Project Management with the opensource tool GanttProject

Gantt charts are a good way to visualize project plans. To prepare Gantt charts in a quick and easy way you will need the help of specialized tools. (please do not even think about using Powerpoint or Excel for bigger Gantt charts :-) ) My favourite tool for smaller and mid-size project plans is the free software GanttProject:

the gantt charts will look like this in GanttProject

the gantt charts will look like this in GanttProject

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